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Animals - Horse

Gorilla Family Quadrupeds Horse Jack Rabbit Wolf Werewolf

Key Features
All Armatures now supplied with a Square Head Stud compatible with K&S#8153 Square Tube

Fully Assembled using Loctite 270
Bespoke Drop Neck Assembly
Complex M4 Brass Shoulder/Neck Block
9mm Brass Link Plate Assemblies
M4 Brass Hip Block with M4 Rigging Point
Steel Feet with Magnetic & M3 Tie Downs

Nickel Plated Steel Limbs with integrated 9mm Balls
Square Head Stud compatible with K&S#8153 Square Tube
M4 Stainless Steel Link Plate Screws
2 - M4x75mm Rigging Studs
4 x 50mm Standard Tie Down Assemblies
4 x 12mm Stainless Steel Tie Down Screws
2.5mm Allen Key

MA-Horse Dims
Horse Armature - Basic Dimensions
This Armature has been designed to be used with the M4 Large Rig Assembly
CUZIN - Horse Armature
Drg No. MA 255 - Parts List Item PL217
SHIPPING - We ship all over the world
At "Check Out" £15.00 P+P for the UK Only is added.
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